Zemskov Vladimir Mihailovich

Honored worker of science of the Russian Federation, Professor, Doctor of Medical Sciences, academician of RANS and РАМТН, laureate of the Government prize of the Russian Federation, head of clinical immunology of the Institute of surgery Vishnevsky, consultant on clinical immunology at CITO, Institute of Allergologia and clinical immunology. The author of 430 scientific papers, including 7 textbooks on clinical immunology for medical universities of the Russian Federation, guidelines, and manuals for physicians, 22 monographs, has patents. Worked and trained in the USA at the Massachusetts General Hospital in the laboratory of molecular cardiology, Czechoslovakia at the Institute of rheumatology in the laboratory of biochemistry of connective tissue and Hungary at the University of Iotvos. He has supervised 18 PhD and 3 doctoral dissertations. Member of the editorial Board of the journal "Successes of modern biology" of RAS, and of the editorial Board of the journals "Immunopathology, Allergologia, Infectology", "Therapeutic archives", "journal of experimental and applied surgery", member of the Scientific Council for defending theses IEM named after Gamalei RAMN, of the Task Commission "Theoretical and applied infectious immunology" of the Scientific Council on Microbiology. Winner of the prize of Academician. M. P. Chumakov, was awarded silver medals of I. I. Mechnikov, V. I. Vernadsky, gold medals of A. L. Chizhevsky, I. M. Sechenov, a medal of P. L. Kapitza, the order of "Star Vernadsky", "Malachite Star". Author of the discovery No. 257.