Форум «ЖИЗНЬ» – постоянная, ежегодная площадка, объединяющая компании и организации, правительственные структуры, авторов-разработчиков со всего мира в решении самых актуальных вопросов для человека – активного долголетия и продления жизни, включая социальный (качество жизни, образ жизни, и др.) и биологический аспекты (жизнь клетки, средства и методы лечения, оздоровления, продления жизни, среда обитания, в частности питание, экология и др.). В этой задаче не может быть границ и условностей, она архиглобальна, касается каждого человека на планете и позволяет объединить для своего решения все страны и континенты, все нации и государства.
Мы стремимся максимально удовлетворить потребности своих партнеров, предлагая для них эксклюзивные решения.

  • Адрес: 127051, Российская Федерация,
    г. Москва, Цветной бульвар, д. 25, стр. 1
  • Адрес: 119048, Российская Федерация,
    г. Москва, ул. Ефремова, д. 12, стр. 2
  • Phone: +7 (495) 968-82-80
  • Email: info@fund-life.com
The Russian Red Cross is a partner of the United Association of Honored Doctors, Honored Scientists and Health Workers, united in its ranks doctors, scientists, world-class health organizers who have been awarded an honorary title, and also in partnership with the largest exhibition platform Crocus Expo. Drawing on sociological study which is showing the relevance and vitality of activities increasing global longevity The Russian Red Cross initiated the creation of the First International Forum "LIFE" and the Forum exhibition "Life extension – methods, means, technologies" held within the forum (active longevity, rejuvenation, health – innovative technology, lifestyle and quality of life – international experience and achievements).

The Forum “LIFE” is a permanent, annual platform for the global community. It’s intended to unite companies and organizations, government agencies, authors and developers from around the world to solve­ most pressing issues of man - active ageing and increasing lifespan, including social (quality of life, lifestyle, and others) and biological aspects (cell life, means and methods of treatment, rehabilitation, increasing life expectancy, habitat, in particular nutrition, ecology, etc.).

In this task there can be no boundaries and conventions, it is absolutely global. It concerns every person on the planet and allows uniting all the countries and continents, all nations and states to find the solution.

We consider it particularly significant that it is the Red Cross and the Red Crescent represented by the national society of the Russian Red Cross has come forward with such an important international humanitarian-oriented mission and creates such a platform!

It should be noted that among the main tasks of the Forum (assistance in solving which the Forum is able to provide) there are such the most important components necessary for development of science, production and the economy as a whole, as support and promotion of worthy producers, authors and developers of innovative projects and programs, development of an international investment climate.

Each partner, exhibitor, participant of the Forum is actually a factor, which is a necessary component for the joint achievement of the goals of the Forum, for the benefit of both citizens of the Russian Federation and of all mankind!


Call us +7 (495) 968-82-80 and find out the details.

We are always glad to your address!