Novitskiy Ivan Yurievich

Member of the Central Council of the United Association of honored doctors, honored workers of science and healthcare professionals. In 1981 he graduated with distinction from the biological faculty of Moscow state University. M. V. Lomonosov , in 1984 he graduate from the post-graduate studies (Lenin scholarship holder). Candidate of Biological Sciences. In 1994 graduated from Harvard University, the Economics course During 1985-1993 he was engaged in scientific activities in Moscow State University. M. V. Lomonosov, in the Institute of eye diseases. Helmholtz, in the Institute of chemical physics RAS. The author of several works on visual reception, including "Spectral heterogeneity red sensitive cones of the retina". Lecturer at Russian Academy of State Services under the President of Russia, the Moscow Institute of management (subject — property and land relations). In 1990 – 1993 – Deputy of Octyabrskogo Regional Council of People's Deputies. Participated in the development and implementation of the system of registration of commercial and non-commercial organizations in Moscow, was Chairman of the Commission on publicity and information, Deputy of the Moscow city Duma of five convocations (1993 – 2014), works in the Ministry of natural resources and ecology of the Russian Federation, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, academician of the International Academy of Sciences of pedagogical education and International pedagogical Academy, member of the Presidium of the International Academy of Sciences of pedagogical education.