Lokshin Mark Iosifovich

Director General of the Foundation, General Director of the Interregional Public Organization "Association of managers of healthcare institutions", specialist of high quality in the field of operational management of the business. Main activities: management, finance, economics. In 1984 graduated from the Tula Pedagogical Institute named after L. N. Tolstoy, faculty of foreign languages (English and German). In 2009 graduated from the courses of the consulting company "Financial Master" ("Management accounting at the industrial enterprise"). In 2001 graduated from Russian correspondence financial and economic Institute. Until 1993 he worked in the educational system in Tula region. In 1988 he graduated from the historical faculty of the Tula pedagogical Institute named after L. N. Tolstoy. From 1993 to 2002, JSC "POLEMA" – the Director of finance and economy. During 2001-2016 worked at senior positions in various industrial enterprises engaged in development of sale systems of products for health, expert groups: ANO "National Expert Centre", JSC "Yasnogorsk machine building plant", LLC "Ryazan tube plant", LLC "Tekhnoteks," etc.