Leontiev Valeriy Konstantinovich

Co-President of Fund, Chairman of the Presidium of the Fund, co-President of the United Association of honored doctors, honored workers of science and health workers, honored worker of science of the Russian Federation, academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Professor of the Department of surgical dentistry and maxillofacial surgery FPDO MSMSU, doctor of medical Sciences, laureate of the State prize of Russia in science and technology, Founder, President (1996), Vice President (2006 — 2010) of the Dental Association of Russia member of the International Academy of Pierre Fusaro, a member of the world Association of dentists, member of the international Academy of dentistry, member of the Executive Committee of Russian medical Association, delegate to all Pirogovsky congresses, the President of the medical society (2001 – 2002), member and Vice-President of Reference Academy, Director of all-Russian medical society congresses, honorary Professor of a number of Russian and international universities, founder and member of the editorial boards of over 10 professional magazines, including "Dentistry", "Economy and management in stomatology", "Maestro", "Actual problems of dentistry".